
61 to 80 of 89 results
What is "TL;DR"?
Designers' Knowledge Base
An explanation of why many KB articles have a header titled "TL;DR"
About our closed beta program and public launch
Designers' Knowledge Base
An explanation of why you can't currently set up your stores and start using the major features meant for Zazzle designers yet
Markdown text
Designers' Knowledge Base
A primer and cheat sheet of the Markdown language elements used on this site
Privacy statement
Designers' Knowledge Base
A policy statement about our efforts to keep your data private
How to explore your sales/royalty history
Designers' Knowledge Base
Learn how to list, search, and sort through the royaltyHistory.csv data you uploaded for your stores
About sales reports
Designers' Knowledge Base
An introduction to the sales reporting and analysis features and how to import your data
How to create a new collection
Designers' Knowledge Base
Learn how to create a new collection of products, designs, and other collections to help manage your inventory
What is a collection?
Designers' Knowledge Base
An explanation of the purpose of collections of products, designs, and other collections and their relationships to Zazzle's collections and categories
How to group products with the same design together
Designers' Knowledge Base
Learn the basic process of creating a design group and adding more products to it later
No external links
Designers' Knowledge Base
Explains under what circumstances products and other content may contain links to external websites
About Snuggle Hamster Designs
Designers' Knowledge Base
A brief summary of who we are and what this site is about
Terms of use agreement
Designers' Knowledge Base
Lays out the basic rights and responsibilities of this site and you as a user of it
Why bring my Zazzle stores to this site?
Designers' Knowledge Base
A brief discussion of the benefits and costs of using this site to promote your Zazzle stores
Why subscribe for Premium agency features?
Designers' Knowledge Base
An explanation of the benefits of a paid subscription to premium features your agency
What is a design group?
Designers' Knowledge Base
An explanation of the purpose and nature of designs for grouping similarly styled products
How to change your password
Designers' Knowledge Base
A quick look at how to change your password once you are logged in
How to change your profile picture
Designers' Knowledge Base
Learn how to upload an image of your user account as distinct from your agency's branding image
What's the difference between my user account and my agency?
Designers' Knowledge Base
A quick clarification about the difference between your user account and public user profile and your agency and its public profile
What's with the 1,000 product import limit?
Designers' Knowledge Base
An explanation of the curious limit on how many products you can directly import and how this limit appears in other places
How to import your store's products from Zazzle
Designers' Knowledge Base
Introduces the various options for how to import your products from Zazzle
61 to 80 of 89 results