Markdown text

Product descriptions, store descriptions, and some other data allow for rich text using Markdown Unlike pure HTML, Markdown is limited to fairly simple formatting options. This also protects users from malicious scripts and unsightly formats. But Markdown is also very easy for most people to use. Just hitting enter twice between paragraphs of plain text does just what most users expect.

SHD supports the basic formatting options of basic Markdown. But also a few more advanced features like strikethrough and tables.

Here is a guide to how to format your text.

Sample textVisible result
*italic text*italic text
**bold text**bold text
~strikethrough text~strikethrough text
# Heading level 1

Heading level 1

## Heading level 2

Heading level 2

[external link]( link
[internal link](/article/about)internal link
![Alt text](http://url/a.png) Alt text
> Blockquote
- List item
- List item
  • List item
  • List item
1. List item
2. List item
  1. List item
  2. List item
  # code block
  print '3 backticks or'
  print 'indent 4 spaces'
  # code block
  print '3 backticks or'
  print 'indent 4 spaces'
| Col 1 | Col 2  | Col 3 |
| Left  | Center | Right |
| 123   | 456    | 789   |
Col 1Col 2Col 3