How to explore your sales/royalty history

What is this report for?

This is a direct parallel to the Royalty History page on Zazzle. That page is very basic and can be very frustrating at times. When you import your royaltyHistory.csv file here you'll have an easier time finding and understanding individual sales.

The search results grid

The main grid shows the same essential information you'll find on Zazzle's Royalty History page:


There are many columns to display. So as with Zazzle's own grid, this grid stacks them together into "combo columns" to make them fit a typical browser:


Many of these columns are sortable. Look for the sort icon next to a column's header:


Most of the columns here should be self-explanatory. It's worth explaining the "Flags" column:


Zazzle displays some cryptic symbols on their Royalty History grid. We try to spell them out more clearly. You can hover over any of the flags to see more descriptive hover text show up. Here are the current options:

  • Transferred: Your design was transferred to another product
  • Customized: The customer personalized or altered the design
  • Self or 3rd Party: This sale originated from an outside referral
  • VAT: A VAT or other sales tax was applied
  • Converted: Payment was converted to US dollars from another currency


By default you'll see your full history. But you can also selectively filter the results too:


Most of the filters should be clear. The text search works on several columns:

  • Store name
  • Order line
  • Product name
  • Transfer to type
  • To (customer name)
  • City, State, Country