A Zazzler's guide to getting started with SHD


Welcome to Snuggle Hamster Designs (SHD)! There's a lot of features here. So it can be a little intimidating to figure out where to start. There are many knowledge base (KB) articles here covering many setup topics. Here's a brief summary of the process with links to each article.

Create your user account

You'll want to start by creating your user account. This is for you as a person. You don't have to use your design agency's name. But your user profile will be visible to the public. User accounts are for Zazzlers, shoppers, and anyone else.

Create your agency

Your agency is what sets you apart from other SHD users. Unlike with Zazzle, you can invite people to help you manage your stores. Here's how to create your agency.

Create your first store

Once you have your agency set up you're ready to add a store to SHD. Then you'll need to verify ownership of your store.

Import products

Once you have created your store you are ready to bulk import products from Zazzle.

Group products into designs

Designs (aka design groups) are like your same-design collections in Zazzle. Once you have your products imported you should go through a process of grouping same-design products together.

Group stuff into collections

Some of your Zazzle collections are likely to be for grouping same-blank-product items like tee shirts and coffee mugs that have different designs together. Some collections will be ensembles like for weddings with similar themes. You can create SHD collections for these same purposes and others.

Like with Zazzle categories, SHD collections can be assembled into hierarchies. One collection can contain other collections for example. And designs of course. Once you have mirrored your Zazzle collections in SHD designs and collections, you should consider creating larger collections of collections to better organize your content for customers to browse.

Add a showcase to your store

Once you've mastered creating collections you should consider creating a special one to use as the showcase on your store's home page.

Import your sales data

If you want to take advantage of our sales reports then you'll need to import your royalty history.

Create social media posts

Once you have your store set up you may want to try creating social media posts and sharing them to Pinterest and other SM sites.

Upgrade your agency to Premium

Hopefully you like all the free features you've set up and tried so far. But we also have some great features for Premium agencies. Here's how to upgrade. This is a great way for you to show your support for our efforts. Thank you.

Learn more and join the discussion

There's more articles in our Knowledge Base. It's searchable. Consider also joining our Discord server to chat with us and with other Zazzlers. You can also use the Contact page to email for support.