
21 to 40 of 89 results
About Google search statistics
Snuggle Hamster News
A detailed look at our use of the Google Search Console API to get impressions and clicks numbers for pages
Trademark Search & Analysis Tools Now Available!
Dispel the Mystery Behind Those Clever Words -- Are You Free and Clear to Use Them?
How to use the Trademark Analysis feature
Designers' Knowledge Base
A deep dive into the use of the Trademark Analysis feature
How to use the Trademark Search
Designers' Knowledge Base
A look at the Trademark Search page, a basic tool to help Zazzlers avoid running afoul of trademark violations
How to report copyright and trademark violations
Snuggle Hamster News
If you are an IP rights holder then here's what you need to know about reporting violations of your IP rights
What are trademarks?
Designers' Knowledge Base
Learn the basics of what trademarks really are and how you can use words and phrases in your work even when they seem to be trademarked
We've Hit a Milestone! 100 Zazzle Stores Have Found a Home on SHD
100 Zazzle Stores Have Found a Home on SHD!
How to create and share social media posts
Designers' Knowledge Base
Learn the basics of creating a new social media post using our templates and your own product details and then get it on Pinterest or other SM site
Deployment of Proper Import and Storage of Product Type Definitions from Zazzle
Constructing a Master List of Zazzle Product Type Definitions
Deployment of New Feature That Lets You Search for and Edit All Your Private Notes
Search and Edit All Your Private Notes Easily
Deployment of Significant Update: Basic Agencies Can Now Use Simplified Preview Version of Niche Explorer
Looking for New Niches? Even Basic Agencies Can Now Use a Simplified Version of the Niche Explorer
Deployment of Fixes to Dramatically Improve SHD SEO
Dramatically Improving Search Engine Optimization for SHD
Deployment of New Personalization Feature
New Personalization Feature is Live!
Deployment of Improvement to Take Advantage of Zazzle Product (Blank) Types
Leveraging the Power of Zazzle Product (Blank) Types
Deployment of Exciting New Design Grouping Suggestions Feature
New Design Grouping Suggestions Feature is Live!
Deployment of Fix to Merge Designs Together Quickly and Easily
Merge Designs Together Effortlessly
Deployment of Friendly Names to Royalty History Report
Friendly Names Will Now Appear on Royalty History Reports
Deployment of Change to Product Dating
SHD Product Creation Date and Zazzle Creation Dates Will Now Be Added to Each New Product Profile
Deployment of Minor Improvement to Royalty History Uploader
Adding Clarity to the Royalty History Uploader
Shabby Chic is Now a Trademarked Term!
Snuggle Hamster News
I'd Like to Say It Isn't So, But Shabby Chic Has Joined the Ranks of (Trademarked) Tags That You Can't Use Anymore
21 to 40 of 89 results