Trademark Search & Analysis Tools Now Available!


So you've incorporated what you believe to be a brilliant and original bon mot (witty turn of phrase) into your Zazzle design, but you don't know if someone else has already registered it as part of their brand or business with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Hard to have that uncertainty hanging over your head, right? No one wants to be on the receiving end of a DMCA takedown notice, or get those dreaded emails from the Zazzle Content Management Team, informing you that your design has been deleted because it contains an element that infringes on the trademark, service mark, or intellectual property of another individual, corporation, or entity. Especially if you've devoted the better part of a day (or days) to creating that design, and it has proven to be particularly profitable to your bottom line.

Enter the SHD Trademark Search & Analysis features, which leverage the power of a newly built SHD database to help you discover "if your original thought hasn't already been bought." These two agency management tools can be found under the newly added Trademarks tab of your "My Account" page.

The Trademark Search feature enables you to search through some 4 million trademarks (filed in the USPTO by U.S. and foreign companies) to see if your product texts could be at risk of brand infringement. Learn more here.

The Trademark Analysis feature compares all 4 million trademarks in the SHD database against all of the products in your store(s) at once and lets you explore each match in detail. Basic agencies have access to a summary version, while Premium agencies enjoy a detailed version. Learn more here.


What are trademarks?