About Zazzle affiliate links

On some pages you'll see a note that reads "Zazzle may pay us for this affiliate link":


Zazzle has an affiliate program through which they pay people to promote products. Affiliates like Snuggle Hamster Designs can earn up to 15% of the purchase price paid by someone who buys something from Zazzle as a reward for the link that brings a customer to them. The customer does not pay any extra for this. The price they pay for that product would be the same with or without this referral bonus payout.

Not every link from our site to Zazzle's affords us this option. Our Premium agencies get to use their own affiliate IDs to gain that bonus for themselves. And most times people clicking on these links do not result in any bonuses being paid to anyone.

We have this disclosure of the nature of this affiliate program mainly because the Federal Trade Commission and other government agencies think you are too dumb to realize that businesses do things for money.