We've Hit a Milestone! 100 Zazzle Stores Have Found a Home on SHD


SHD HAS HIT A MILESTONE! In less than a month since launching on April 8, 2024, we now have 100 stores on our humble little site, featuring an eclectic array of designs for weddings, graduations, humor, nature, artistic expression, and so much more.

BIG THANKS and shoutouts go to Lisa Hilton, creator of the Happy Zazzling Facebook group and content creator for many SHD videos; Suzy LeeLo, creator of the Hey Zazzlers Facebook group and Julie Villani for encouraging many of their followers and fellow Zazzle designers to sign up with SHD!

Want to see how SHD can help you improve your store visibility and help you advance on your Zazzle journey (with many cool store management tools and features like Design Grouping Suggestions, Niche Explorer, and Social Media Image Templates)? Join us on the SHD Discord page for the latest announcements and answers to your questions, like the SHD Facebook page to be in the know, and sign up on the SHD site today!