Store synchronization policy options

The default behavior of this website is to assume that you as a user want to manage all your data manually. If you add a new product in Zazzle then you must come here to import it. If you change its description on Zazzle then you must come here to get the updates. And so forth.

As of 6/28/2024 we offer another option: fully automatic synchronization. In this scenario we automatically reflect changes to your stores in Zazzle here as well. It doesn't happen immediately. It does take time.

This is an agency-wide setting. You can change it on the Agency > Settings page:


Automatic synchronization does mean that some changes you make here will get wiped out over time. For example, if you change the description of a product here, that change will be undone eventually in favor of whatever the description on Zazzle is.

This does not mean that all data you generate here will get undone. Some things do not have equivalents on Zazzle.

This is currently an experimental feature that requires implementation. You can switch to "Fully automatic" if you want to explore it. But it may take a few weeks or months to fully implement. What you're doing for now is stating an intention.