Get a personal consultation with your agency's Premium subscription


Any design agency that uploads their data and subscribes for Premium status will get one free hand-written analysis by one of our staff members.


What are we offering to do?

We offer a sophisticated suite of tools to help you market your Zazzle products. Get us some of your data and we'll use those tools to do a basic analysis and write you a custom report by hand. Complete with screenshots, introductory tips on how to use our analytical tools yourself, and specific actionable advice on what you might do to improve your sales.

What is required to participate?

We can't do our analysis without data. You would need to set up a free SHD account and add whichever Zazzle stores you want us to analyze. Ideally all of them. You would need to import products, which is usually a one-click affair for each store. You would also need to import your Royalty History CSV file from Zazzle.

Most of our analysis will be based on your sales history. We'll still do an analysis if you haven't had any sales yet. But it won't be as useful if you don't have even a small number of sales.

I would recommend taking some time to work on your store for a while, grouping products by design, creating collections, and so forth. Because you are also getting free SEO exposure for your store here too. Might as well make it look great, and explore the free tools too.

Once you're ready you only need to send us a message via Discord or the email form requesting a consultation. We'll do that and let you know when the report is done.

What's the price?

There is one important catch. You must pay for at least one month's subscription fee for Premium status for your agency. This will give you access to all the tools we'll be using too. You can unsubscribe at any time if you don't want service beyond that first month. We won't offer this analysis before your subscription starts or after it ends.

The current subscription rate is US $19 per month. That is the only direct cost to you for this analysis.

What is the deliverable?

We'll hand-write a document with screenshots and narrative text. It will be available permanently from your agency's management page.

The report will not contain magic. We will simply use our sales reports and other analytical tools and give you some plain-English insights into what we find in them. They will be insights you can gain by yourself using those same tools as a subscriber. But you'll gain the benefit of us drafting an easy to read and understand narrative with visuals to help give you a good idea of how to go beyond our first analysis. And you'll be able to refer back to that report as often as you like. Even if you unsubscribe and revert back to Basic (free) status.

Data privacy

We have a firm privacy policy regarding your data. We don't sell or give away your sales or other proprietary data. We won't share the report we prepare for you with anyone outside of our small administrative staff. And you can delete your data at any time.