Funny Owl I Want for Christmas Snowy Owls Family Brushed Polyester Tree Skirt
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Funny Owl I Want for Christmas Snowy Owls Family Brushed Polyester Tree Skirt
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No birds say Christmas more than the Snowy Owls, and this Christmas tree skirt, which features three families of these puffy white birds huddled together amid the falling snowflakes, will have young and old a-titter with laughter.
Wildlife and the magic of the holiday season go hand in hand, and the no bird wears winter better or is more strongly associated with the season of cold than the charismatic Snowy Owl. The largest owls in North America only show up in Metro Vancouver every few years, and their appearance during our winters causes crowds of admirers and fans to form and flock.
Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at
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