Bufflehead Duck Lovebirds on the Lake Coffee Mug Set

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Bufflehead Duck Lovebirds on the Lake Coffee Mug Set

Walks with Nature

Nothing says "you complete me" or "your better/other half" than these whimsical, wildlife-themed lovers' mugs.

Diminutive Bufflehead ducks tend to be a challenge to photograph since they keep their distance, but there's always one in the flock (usually, a male) who takes his patrol duty very seriously. Catching the colours of his iridescent head is always a real treat.

When the sentry declares the coast to be clear (or confirms the availability of food), the others of his small flock (which will contain an almost even number of monochromatic females) will often come over. Buffleheads are present in the Pacific Northwest from fall through spring.

Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at zazzle.com/walkswithnature

Lovers' mug  (CYO)

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