Anna's Hummingbird on Scarlet Trumpetvine Notebook

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Anna's Hummingbird on Scarlet Trumpetvine Notebook

Walks with Nature

Keep notes, reminders, and more in this whimsical, wildlife-themed journal. The perfect choice for hummingbird lovers!

This female Anna's hummingbird adds a bit of colour and personality to the backyard on a rainy day. She is quiet and stealthy--and can often materialize without making a sound. Contrast this behaviour with that of the male, who makes himself heard well before I see him. Photographed perching on the Scarlet Trumpet vine after furtively having several long sips from the new nectar feeder--which has also drawn the attention and interest of at least one Black-Capped Chickadee, too.

Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at

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