Two Beautiful Chestnut Horses in the Sun Drawstring Bag

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Two Beautiful Chestnut Horses in the Sun Drawstring Bag

Walks with Nature

Take a bit of the great outdoors with you, wherever you go with this touching drawstring backpack!

I witnessed a beautiful moment of friendship between these two gorgeous chestnut horses. Were they mother and child; siblings; or simply stablemates? It didn't matter what their relationship to each other was. The importance was the now of the moment. Not even a nicker did I hear pass between them; the simple act of touching spoke volumes for both.

Perhaps, after seeing how comfortable the four visiting Rufous hummingbirds were around me, he probably figured that there wasn't anything scary about me -- and that I might even afford him some protection from the little hellraisers. So rather than being on the receiving end of his metallic scratchy or tick-tick-tick calls, he stared for a few moments into my lens, and then went to feed from the nectar feeder before making a much less frenzied exit than was his usual style.

Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at

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