Elegant Two-Tone Red Gold Monsella Tulip Drawstring Bag

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Elegant Two-Tone Red Gold Monsella Tulip Drawstring Bag

Walks with Nature

Take a bit of nature with you, wherever you go with this floral-themed drawstring backpack!

I couldn't find an angle I liked with this vivid two-tone Monsella tulip until I did a few macro shots of it, and the seeming randomness of the streaks of red running rampant through this bright yellow flower seemed to me like a chaotically natural expression of art.

Perhaps, after seeing how comfortable the four visiting Rufous hummingbirds were around me, he probably figured that there wasn't anything scary about me -- and that I might even afford him some protection from the little hellraisers. So rather than being on the receiving end of his metallic scratchy or tick-tick-tick calls, he stared for a few moments into my lens, and then went to feed from the nectar feeder before making a much less frenzied exit than was his usual style.

Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at zazzle.com/walkswithnaturev

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