Hermit Thrush Songbird on the Scarlet Firethorn Trinket Tray

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Hermit Thrush Songbird on the Scarlet Firethorn Trinket Tray

Walks with Nature

Give special items and keepsakes pride of place with this whimsical, wildlife-themed trinket tray.

This is the third sighting we have had of a Hermit Thrush, a lovely singer, in the yard in the past two years, but the only time we have spotted it on the front lawn -- this time, perfectly posed on the pyracantha coccinea (Scarlet Firethorn). The warm yellow you see in the backyard is the neighbor's weeping alder.

Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at zazzle.com/walkswithnature

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