Funny Young Blacktail Deer Smiles at Photographer Apron

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Funny Young Blacktail Deer Smiles at Photographer Apron

Walks with Nature

Add a touch of nature to the kitchen with this whimsical, wildlife-themed all-over-print apron!

My second visit to the Maplewood Conservation Area in North Vancouver produced meetings with not two, but six blacktail deer in a clearing ... four fawns and two does who seemed completely at ease with the small group of photographers in their midst. The younger ones seemed almost as curious about the humans as we were about them! This fawn was extremely happy to be alive, bounding in a very Bambi-esque manner through the forest! Photographed in late August 2016.

Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at

All-Over Print Apron  (CYO)

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