Closeup of a Canada Darner Dragonfly Trivet

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Closeup of a Canada Darner Dragonfly Trivet

Walks with Nature

Use this wildlife-themed trivet to protect delicate surfaces, tables, and countertops from hot pots, or as an accent piece for the dining room or kitchen.

Next to the Brown Hawker dragonfly who made a beeline for me last summer and decided that my denim-covered leg would make a nice warm perch for a few minutes, this extremely accommodating Canada Darner dragonfly has got to be one of my best insect subjects. S/he didn't twitch in the 30 minutes I spent photographing it, and as a matter of fact, stayed on the exterior of the house for at least another 15 minutes before flying off!

Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at


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