Bufflehead Duck Lovebirds on the Lake Coffee Mug Set

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Bufflehead Duck Lovebirds on the Lake Coffee Mug Set

Walks with Nature

Nothing says "you complete me" or "your better/other half" than these whimsical, wildlife-themed lovers' mugs.

Diminutive Bufflehead ducks tend to be a challenge to photograph since they keep their distance, but meeting a large flock of 30 on a cold but sunny day on December 4, 2016, changed all that. Catching the colours of the males' iridescent heads is always a real treat and challenge, but I had many opportunities to do so on this day. The uncharacteristically and equally bold females were also fun to photograph. Spirit ducks, as they are also known, are present in the Pacific Northwest from fall through spring, and draw the interest of many a birder and photographer, wherever they go.

Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at zazzle.com/walkswithnature

Lovers' mug  (CYO)

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