Beautiful Black-Headed Grosbeak in a Tree Ceramic Tile

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Beautiful Black-Headed Grosbeak in a Tree Ceramic Tile

Walks with Nature

Use this elegant, wildlife-themed tile to protect delicate surfaces, tables, and countertops from hot pots, or as accent pieces for the dining room, kitchen, or anywhere else in the home!

A wonderful discovery in Elgin Heritage Park, dressed in burnt orange and black: one of two adult male Black-Headed Grosbeaks foraging in the trees at the start of the trail (with a male Downy Woodpecker for company). This fellow was so curious about me that he came down to a different tree and a lower branch to check out the photographer. Photographed in mid-May 2017.

Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at

Ceramic Tile  (CYO)

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