Sunlit Profile of a Tree Swallow Songbird Placemat

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Sunlit Profile of a Tree Swallow Songbird Placemat

Walks with Nature

Add a touch of nature to your dining experience with this wildlife-themed placemat.

The search for the male Mountain Bluebird at the North Jetty of Iona Island proved futile, but this blue bird -- perched on a twig near the chain link fence along Ferguson Road by the inner ponds -- didn't disappoint.

The Tree Swallows have indeed returned to Iona Island, but we saw far fewer now than in March 2015 at this same point in time -- and the females had already shown up, too. I observed maybe 20 in flight and just a few perched like this fellow, and not a female in sight.

Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at

Laminated Placemat  (CYO)

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