Stunning Flock of Snow Geese at the Beach Canvas Print

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Stunning Flock of Snow Geese at the Beach Canvas Print

Walks with Nature

Add a touch of nature to the home or office with this stunning wildlife-themed wall hanging.

Fall migration brings thousands and thousands of Snow Geese to the shores of Metro Vancouver every year, and 2017 produced a bumper crop of these migratory birds -- a stunning spectacle to witness. Among the vibrant and calling sea of white that seemed to blanket the high tides from dawn to dusk, outnumbering the usually omnipresent and overwhelming numbers of gulls, crows, and wintering ducks at this time of the year, we also saw 5 rare blue morph Snow Geese. Photographed on a sunny afternoon in October 2017 at Boundary Bay Regional Park, British Columbia, Canada.

This chubby little number didn't seem the least bit fazed to be photographed. Taken from 20 feet away--this was my second attempt to photograph it in just a few minutes. So thrilled to see this bold little berry eater. Photographed on October 21, 2016.

Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at


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