Stunning American Robin in the Snow Large Christmas Stocking
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Stunning American Robin in the Snow Large Christmas Stocking
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Add a touch of whimsy and nature to festive year-end celebrations with this whimsical, wildlife-themed Christmas stocking. Personalize with a name. Reverse (for double-sided option) shows identical design. Great for the bird or nature lover on your gift list!
Some regard the robin as a harbinger of spring, but a freak all-day snowfall and almost double-digit sub-zero temperatures the following morning is what brought ten American Robins calling to the rapidly dwindling supply of pyracantha berries. Some, like this fellow, were contemplating which to eat first. I sure hope he saw his shadow. Photographed in late February 2018.
Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at
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