Hermit Thrush Songbird on the Scarlet Firethorn Cornhole Set
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Hermit Thrush Songbird on the Scarlet Firethorn Cornhole Set
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Add fun to family reunions, picnics, BBQs, and garden parties with this stunning, wildlife-themed cornhole game.
This is the third sighting we have had of a Hermit Thrush, a lovely singer, in the yard in the past two years, but the only time we have spotted it on the front lawn -- this time, perfectly posed on the pyracantha coccinea (Scarlet Firethorn). The warm yellow you see in the backyard is the neighbor's weeping alder. Just a few days later, these golden leaves had all dropped off, and the Hermit Thrush did not make a reappearance. I was truly privileged to capture that fleeting moment of nature's beauty!
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