Cute Kinglet Songbird Causes a Stir in the Fir Pillar Candle
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Cute Kinglet Songbird Causes a Stir in the Fir Pillar Candle
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Celebrate nature and add a touch of inspiration to any room with this whimsical, wildlife-themed candle.
This is my second visit to Surrey's Elgin Heritage Park, and I really wished to see a Golden-Crowned Kinglet again, my first photos of it on a deciduous tree being nothing but blurs. My wish was granted with one of several accomplished singers in a giant fir tree, a high-energy, multi-tasking (being able to sing, and flit from branch to branch while hunting for insects) Golden-Crowned Kinglet, who nevertheless proved to be a challenging subject to capture.
Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at
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