Cute Downy Woodpecker on Fruit Tree Ceramic Tile

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Cute Downy Woodpecker on Fruit Tree Ceramic Tile

Walks with Nature

Use this wildlife-themed tile to protect delicate surfaces, tables, and countertops from hot pots, or as accent pieces for the dining room, kitchen, or anywhere else in the home!

Seeing a Downy Woodpecker (usually the female) on the backyard suet feeder isn't unusual. Seeing this male (busy whittling wood here) and his female (unseen, but preening herself nearby) on the pear tree just when we got a spot of sunshine over the Great Backyard Bird Count 2017 (Feb 17-20) weekend, was!

Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at

Ceramic Tile  (CYO)

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