Cute Baby Bushtit Songbirds in the Pear Tree Photo Print

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Cute Baby Bushtit Songbirds in the Pear Tree Photo Print

Walks with Nature

In a cute moment highly reminiscent of another bushtit family gathering from 2016, three young songbird fledglings roost together in the sun-dappled shade of the pear tree, while parents and helpers (older siblings) pick grubs from the leaves nearby, while keeping up a steady stream of conversation. My young subjects were only too willing to oblige for my lens. Photographed in late May 2020.

Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at

birds of north america, pacific northwest fauna, wildlife photography, wildlife encounters, portraits of nature, baby songbirds, cute overload, funny wildlife moments, bushtits, heartwarming family portrait
Photo Enlargement  (CYO)

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