Anna's Hummingbird on the Anise Hyssop Flowers Trinket Tray

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Anna's Hummingbird on the Anise Hyssop Flowers Trinket Tray

Walks with Nature

Give special items and keepsakes pride of place with this whimsical, wildlife-themed trinket tray.

We've learned to improve the "mileage" of our anise hyssop nectar for thirsty hummingbirds ... just by adding a bamboo stake! ;) This is one of (at least) four Anna's hummingbirds who like to visit the recently opened flowers, and s/he struck a rather regal profile while drinking from the bar on an early evening in June 2018.

Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at

Trinket Tray

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