A White-Crowned Sparrow Sings to the Sun Notebook

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A White-Crowned Sparrow Sings to the Sun Notebook

Walks with Nature

Keep notes, reminders, and more in this wildlife-themed journal. The perfect choice for bird lovers!

A White-Crowned Sparrow welcomes the day (and enchants its rapt listeners) with a simple but sweet song. As spring turns into summer, we see more and more of this beautiful songbird, who often forages solo, too. This one has just a hint of the yellow crown for which it is named, and even less of the black "V" between its eyes. By mid- to late- spring, many are sporting much thicker and blacker brows, and much brighter yellow crowns. These large, chubby sparrows have a beautiful, easily recognizable song that they sing from dawn to dusk in the trees and bushes (in my backyard, at least). They are more comfortable foraging on the grass, although we have "trained" them to eat from the hanging open style feeders.

Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at zazzle.com/walkswithnature

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