A Cute and Curious Grey Jay / Whiskeyjack Jigsaw Puzzle

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A Cute and Curious Grey Jay / Whiskeyjack Jigsaw Puzzle

Walks with Nature

Part brainteaser, part assemble-it-yourself art, this challenging, wildlife-themed puzzle is great for improving muscle memory.

If someone combined the adorably big head and black eyes of a Black-Capped Chickadee with the colours and bill of a Kookaburra in a Jay-sized body, they'd have the whimsically-named Whiskeyjack. Also known by its less colourful aliases of Canada Jay and Gray Jay, we saw no fewer than six at Manning Park's Lightning Lake, where they would boldly descend on picnic tables in the hopes of free handouts.

Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at zazzle.com/walkswithnature


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