A Bird's Eye View of a Steller's Jay on the Lawn Jigsaw Puzzle

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A Bird's Eye View of a Steller's Jay on the Lawn Jigsaw Puzzle

Walks with Nature

Part brainteaser, part assemble-it-yourself art, this challenging, wildlife-themed puzzle is great for improving muscle memory.

First time in 3 years of trying that I've been able to photograph a Steller's Jay. The mesmerizingly bright blue feathers of this crested corvid grab attention wherever it goes, and it is even a master of mimicry, imitating cats, dogs, squirrels, and even man-made sounds. Subject enjoyed corn, birdseed, sunshine, and lots of attention! As for the other backyard regulars, they didn't seem to mind sharing the spotlight with this omnivore. Photographed in mid-October 2017.

Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at zazzle.com/walkswithnature

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