WWN Elegant Great Egret in the Reeds

WWN Elegant Great Egret in the Reeds

Walks with Nature

Finding this Great Egret in the winter grass and reeds fronting a Langley farm on December 31, 2018, was a great way to wrap up the year. My subject was neither disturbed by the trio of photographers capturing its every move, nor by the traffic roaring down the 2-lane road, and in fact, ventured to with 15 feet of me to feed.

Whatever caused this migratory heron (which is an ultra-rare bird in Canada) to spend its decidedly non-tropical vacation here instead of at its regular winter stomping grounds in Miami, Mexico, and Guatemala is a mystery -- but one that I am very grateful for.

Based on the original photography of W.H. Sim. All Rights Reserved. See more at zazzle.com/walkswithnature


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