WWN Cape May Warbler in the Flowering Mahonia

WWN Cape May Warbler in the Flowering Mahonia

Walks with Nature

During a rather warm morning in February 2019, in Abbotsford's Mill Lake Park, I was privileged to meet a handsome male Cape May Warbler, feeding on the mahonia--better known as Oregon grape. Both bird and blossom were equally odd to see at that time of the year -- the former for being in the area at all (in fact, it was the first recorded sighting of this species in Metro Vancouver) and the latter for mysteriously flowering in the dead of winter!

My friendly feathered subject (who should have been overwintering in a more tropical place like Barbados or the Turks & Caicos) was an instant celebrity, and quickly became accustomed to all the lenses pointed his way as he made himself eating or resting in the mahonia.


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