Modern Night Sky Christmas Tree Personalized Glass Ornament
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Modern Night Sky Christmas Tree Personalized Glass Ornament
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Display festive holiday greetings with this modern Christmas ornament. Illustrated with a colorful Christmas tree in a winter snow scene, the card displays the words 'Merry Christmas' at the top in elegant script typography. Personalize the words below the picture, with your name, date or other text of your choice. On double sided versions of this ornament, the reverse side is an atmospheric midnight blue, patterned with snowflakes. Full of seasonal charm, this is a stylish and attractive ornament, and an ideal gift to delight your family and friends.
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colorful christmas tree snow scene, merry christmas greeting, pretty snowflakes dark navy blue, winter trees multicolor simple, generativecontent, traditional classic themed xmas card, trendy festive chic family name, modern stylish contemporary, xmas elegant watercolor rustic, holiday ornament midnight blue