Simple Stylish Minimalist Baby's First Christmas Ceramic Ornament
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Simple Stylish Minimalist Baby's First Christmas Ceramic Ornament
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Personalize this simple and elegant ornament to celebrate baby's first Christmas. Upload two of your favorite photographs, one for the back and one for the front of the ornament. Add baby's name and the year number, which will be displayed below each picture. The words 'My First Christmas' appear at the top on both sides, in stylish script typography. A stylish addition to the Christmas tree, the decoration makes a charming keepsake for years to come.
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my first christmas, minimal stylish elegant pretty cute, create your own, keepsake baby's first xmas, classic two photo picture ornament, modern minimalist chic holiday decor, family newborn festive milestone, flat bauble present 2 photos, cute gift for new baby, christmas tree decoration flat bauble