Rabbit with Holly Berries and Plaid Customizable Ceramic Ornament

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Rabbit with Holly Berries and Plaid Customizable Ceramic Ornament


Customizable design features a cute rabbit who found refuge in our backyard for much of the summer last year. On some days, I even found him sleeping behind our coneflowers with his back against the fence.

Though we didn't see him much after the summer, I thought a cutout and reimagining of him for winter would be a cozy, cute reminder of the warmer months to come!

You can customize this ornament in several spots! On the front, change the text to a name, pick a different seasonal greeting, or highlight the year or a special event. On the back, include the salutation to greet your recipient. Next, write them a special message. Finally, sign off with an appropriate closing. You can also change the color of the banner on the front, the color of the background on the back, fonts and text sizes!

Rabbit photo and all editing and design by Amanda Renee, CtrlZ Digital Designs 2023

Ornament  (CYO)

Other christmas ornaments from various stores