Book Promotion - Author Promos

A store by Angela M Designs
Promotional Products for Authors
Store updated 4/29/2024

A shop for authors and bibliophiles alike. We have promotional items for writers such as customizable “signed copy” stickers which you can personalize them further with your book title, pen name, and website address. Create your own "Local Author" stickers featuring your state’s shape (you can change the colors on these graphics). The stickers in this shop offer eye-catching designs perfect for identifying yourself at readings or book signings. At Zazzle, you can always upload your own artwork or book cover image for a truly unique touch. The store offers a collection of personalized gifts. Create a tote bag emblazoned with your book cover, perfect for carrying manuscripts or attending conferences … or perhaps a lovely mug with your author headshots. A small and growing shop with designs to help promote your authorial brand and leave a lasting impression on your readers.


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