Deployment of Improvement to Take Advantage of Zazzle Product (Blank) Types


I've deployed an improvement to take advantage of Zazzle's own product (blank) types. Here's an example: the "More from this store" section of a product view page now favors the top 7 items of the same exact type. The rest will just be from the same store of any time. If there aren't 7 same-type products from that store, then the rest will be from that second list (up to a total of 14). In this example, the product is a button. So the top 7 are all buttons from that same store.


This may not seem like a big deal, but odds are good the customer poking around is looking for more designs of the same product type.

Here's another subtle example. The search engine now includes the singular and plural names for product types as searchable text for products. In this example, "tank tops" will still match products that only have "tank top" (singular) in their names, tags, etc.


Posted on behalf of Jim Carnicelli