Eucalyptus Color Tones Wedding V2 Green ID901 Save The Date
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Eucalyptus Color Tones Wedding V2 Green ID901 Save The Date
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With a color palette from ivory to spring green and dark moss, this wedding collection features a handwritten script font and eucalyptus leaf accents to add that wonderful modern touch. The Save the Date card shown here in horizontal format, features your own photo while offering a sneak peek of your wedding esthetic and style as a couple. Add your event details using the provided template. Search ID901 to see other color choices and coordinating pieces for this unique wedding collection.
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foliage leaf leaves outlines greenery, unique modern wedding stationery, green shades tones color palette, elegant hand written script text, calligraphy signature handwritten font, eucalyptus, arch arches geometric frames, moss spring sage olive green, wedding save the date, your photo image template