Daily Planner - SkullPilot Daily Flight Plan Notepad

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Daily Planner - SkullPilot Daily Flight Plan Notepad


If you find yourself drifting through life - like I used to - you'll improve yourself immeasurably by creating a daily schedule. Navigate yourself through each day by sitting down and using the SkullPilot Daily Flight Plan. It's a daily planner, which let's you create your own To Do List, splitting your day roughly into Morning, Afternoon and Evening blocks. Jot down a few things you'll need to accomplish that day. Then pick three that either HAVE to be done (urgent and important) - or the ones that will make the biggest difference to you. Concentrate on a small number of highly impactful chores - leave the trivial ones for after. There's also a section for Notes and Reminders. And for life balance, fill in the extra sections for: Exercise (schedule it and you're more likely to do it! Whether it's a brisk walk, a run, or some meditation); Household Chores (pick a room, clean it, beautify it! Little by little, everyday); Self-Improvement (schedule in some reading time - fiction or non-fiction. Start drawing again and nourish you creative talents). Tick them all off as you go and you'll feel very pleased with yourself for taking action every single day - instead of getting to bed-time and thinking, "Hey, I did nothing again today! D'oh!"

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