Head in the Sand Republican Party Two-Tone Coffee Mug
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Head in the Sand Republican Party Two-Tone Coffee Mug
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This is a vintage (early 1900's) drawing of an ostrich with its head in the sand, with the words "Republican Party" on the back of the red sweatshirt that the ostrich is wearing. It reads on this image, "Real tax breaks…for the middle class and poor? What this drawing is telling the person who sees it is that the Republican Party is so out of touch with the middle class and poor. Tax breaks for the wealthy. Money filling the candidates pockets from large corporations, like the Koch Brothers. Their policy is to take from the poor and give to the rich! Please contact me at admin@giftsyoutreasure.com if you would like something special just for you or questions.
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anti republican, democrat, rob from poor, ostrich, head in sand, republican party, 2016 election, primary, zlection, for the rich, republican, bird, sand, ignorant, political, politics, funny, gop, elections, wealthy, president, anti tea party, anti gop, tax the poor, give to rich, outsource, big business, tax breaks for rich