Happy Halloween! - Uncut Pumpkin Face T-Shirt
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Happy Halloween! - Uncut Pumpkin Face T-Shirt
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These are the pictures taken from my garden vegetables of this year. The pumpkin is a previous year. As of the time of this product we have five big green pumpkins waiting to be ripened. If you recognize the vegetables, they come from my “Veggie Face” products made on my cutting board. Now they are on a pumpkin, giving it the nice clean uncut face. No harm was done with this pumpkin. Often my products can go into different product lines.
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pumpkin face, pumpkin veggie face, great pumpkin, jack o'lantern, squash, orange vegetable, happy halloween, halloween, uncut pumpkin face, vegetables on pumpkin, jack o lantern, pumpkin, vegetables, veggie face, vegetable face, garden vegetables, veggies, kitchen vegetables, homegrown vegetables, vegetable, celery, leafs, peas, pepper, peppers, green vegetables, dark green vegetables, green cucumber, light green pepper, hot pepper, celery leafs, snow peas, tomatoes, sweet banana pepper, cucumber, food