Cream Solid Color Wrapping Paper Sheets
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Cream Solid Color Wrapping Paper Sheets
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Cream Solid Color Wrapping Paper Sheets, great for the wrapping of favors and gifts for special occasions such as weddings, baptisms and christenings. The cream color is designed to co-ordinate with products in the Elegant Cream Beige Wedding Invitation Suite such as the unity candle set, the bridesmaid proposal invitation and the wedding favor thank you gift tags. The same shade of cream is also featured in the Elegant Cream Beige Baptism collection and the Elegant Cream Beige Christening collection.
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pretty vanilla cream pastel tone, plain light solid flat color, soft off white colour, stylish classy antique retro feel, simple clean minimalist neutral look, very pale delicate yellow tint, summer special occasion gift wrap, baby boy or girl baptism, christening for him or her, wedding event favor wrapping