Proverbs From Around the World

A collection in Colorful Gift Ideas
Collection updated 12/5/2023

Miguel Cervantes said, “Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience.” These sayings can have a lot of deep meaning and impact. They help teach our young and remind our old. Perhaps that is why proverbs are passed on through the generations. There are so many from around the world that make you think!

I’ve created these proverbs coloring posters and coloring postcards for you to enjoy.

Proverbs Coloring Quotes

Below you will find proverbs to color that say:

  • A turtle travels only when it sticks its neck out - Korean Proverb
  • The Riches That Are In The Heart Can’t Be Stolen - Russian Proverb
  • What you see in yourself is what you see in the world - Afghan Proverb
  • A Nice Fig is Often Full of Worms - Zulu Proverb
  • Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness - Chinese Proverb
  • Better is the branch that bends than the branch that breaks - Danish Proverb
  • Don't let yesterday use up too much of today - Cherokee Proverb
  • There is no woman more accustomed to bad shoes on her than the cobbler’s wife - Irish Proverb
  • A monkey dressed in silk is still a monkey - Spanish Proverb
  • Old friends and old wine are best - German Proverb
  • With ‘ifs’, Paris could be put in a bottle - French Proverb
  • Not my circus, Not my monkey - Polish Proverb

Do you have a wise saying that has been passed on in your family? Send me a message to tell me all about it. I would love to consider it for a future proverbs poster to color.

Download the digital coloring book here

coloring book, coloring pages, adult coloring

1 to 24 of 24 results
Polish Proverb Coloring Poster
Russian Proverb Coloring Postcard
Russian Proverb Coloring Poster
Spanish Proverb Coloring Postcard
Spanish Proverb Coloring Poster
Zulu Proverb Coloring Postcard
Zulu Proverb Coloring Poster
Polish Proverb Coloring Postcard
Korean Proverb Coloring Poster -Motivational Quote
Korean Proverb Coloring Card - Motivational Quote
Irish Proverb Coloring Poster
Danish Proverb Coloring Poster
French Proverb Coloring Postcard
French Proverb Coloring Poster
German Proverb Coloring Postcard
German Proverb Coloring Poster
Irish Proverb Coloring Postcard
Danish Proverb Coloring Postcard
Chinese Proverb Coloring Poster
Chinese Proverb Coloring Postcard
Cherokee Proverb Coloring Poster
Cherokee Proverb Coloring Postcard
Afghan Proverb Coloring Poster
Afghan Proverb Coloring Card
1 to 24 of 24 results