Reinventing Self Funny with Test Pattern Car Magnet

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Reinventing Self Funny with Test Pattern Car Magnet


For a while now, reinventing oneself has been a real thing, taking a close look and becoming a better version of yourself. Well, that can involve a lot of introspection and can take a while, right? It comes up when you need to write a short bio for some reason. What do you do while you're on standby, giving yourself a self makeover? Maybe you could use one of those TV test patterns, like when there's a technical difficulty and you have to wait while it gets fixed. OK, so use the test pattern and include a little explanation: Reinventing Self, Please Stand By. Ha! kind of funny. But it should clear things up until you're ready to write that snazzy bio for that high-paying job that's going to change your life! Yeah!

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