Geometric Blue and White Moroccan Azulejos Ceramic Tile

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Geometric Blue and White Moroccan Azulejos Ceramic Tile


This ceramic tile features a harmonious blend of geometric and floral elements. The tile is adorned with a series of concentric circles, each layer boasting a different pattern and shade, creating a mesmerizing visual effect. The outermost layer is characterized by bold blue outlines that form hexagonal shapes. These hexagons encapsulate delicate floral motifs painted in golden hues, adding a touch of warmth to the cool tones of the blue outlines. The intricate patterns and symmetry converge to create an artwork of visual harmony, making this tile a captivating piece of decor. The style of the tile is reminiscent of Moroccan Azulejos, a type of ceramic tilework that is often used in Moorish architecture. The combination of geometric shapes and floral elements is a hallmark of this style, which is known for its complexity and elegance. This tile would make a stunning addition to any space, adding a touch of historic charm and artistic flair.

Ceramic Tile

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