Fantasy Doodle Flowers on Purple Gratitude Journal

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Fantasy Doodle Flowers on Purple Gratitude Journal


Unleash your thoughts and reflections in this exquisite Gratitude Journal, personalized just for you. The cover, adorned with a mesmerizing array of flowers intricately designed with vibrant hues of pink, yellow, and purple, invites inspiration and serenity. Every detail is a testament to craftsmanship, ensuring that your writing experience is nothing short of delightful. The background color of the cover is a soft lavender shade, providing a calming backdrop for the beautiful floral print that adorns the top and bottom corners of the journal. The intricate designs and an array of colors including pink, yellow, green, black and white, add a touch of elegance and sophistication. The title “Gratitude Journal” is written in an elegant cursive font in a dark color which contrasts nicely against the lighter background, immediately drawing your attention. Below the title, a customizable name is written in smaller print, indicating the owner’s name.

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