New York City Typographic Blue Crossbody Bag

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New York City Typographic Blue Crossbody Bag


Cool New York Street Signs Black, White, and Aqua Blue Crossbody Bag. Fun black and white patterned bag, featuring New York road signs including - Bronx, Manhattan, New York, One Way, Fifth Avenue, Times Square, Wall Street and Broadway. On a cool aqua blue background. Look out for co-ordinating products within my store BridgetsBeachHouse.

Please ask if you'd like to see this design on other products, or if you have a design you'd like me to create.

This design has been created by Bridget Dedyuhina-Rymell, and is legally protected by U.S. & International copyright laws. ​​

Tote  (CYO)

Other crossbody bags from various stores