*~* Yoga Instructor Teacher Black Gold Modern Square Business Card
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*~* Yoga Instructor Teacher Black Gold Modern Square Business Card
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I have created for you a modern rich elegant minimal yet holistic spiritual new age black and metallic gold Yoga Instructor Yoga teacher instructor business card.
This card is a square shape.
The glittery gold text of the word YOGA looks stunning on a black background .
This card is 2 sided and ready for you to made it your own. NOTE: You can remove or add text where ever you want as well as move around the image and change the font and color. You can also choose a different quality of paper and even the corner shape of the card. You can really make this card your very own.
- Each of remote Reiki distance healer Anna Rosa's designs are infused with a calming yet noticeable gentle good vibe healing energy. My collection of holistic healing designs not only looks good...but they also "feels" good regardless of which product they grace. I am Anna Rosa and am an Usui, Karuna(r), Shamballa & Kundalini Reiki Master as well as having my own registered healing modality Aurora Mistica (R). I also have fun designing for like minded people 😃 For more great healing energy vibes visit my remote distance healing sites as well as my Facebook page. http://www.reikiwithtrust.com http://auroramisticadistancehealing.com. Facebook.com/AnnaRosaEverythingEnergy Disclaimer: What I do as a distance healer is intended to be a compliment rather than a substitution for medical and psychological services. See a health or psychological professional for your imbalances and complain
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yoga business card, anna rosa, yoga teacher business card, yoga instructor, yogi business card, yoga center business card, gold and black, modern elegant, yogi, yoga
Business Card  (CYO)