*~* Throat Chakra Elixir AP64 Stones Note Card

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*~* Throat Chakra Elixir AP64 Stones Note Card


Search code AP64 for similar crystal gems stones items cards. (at this point in time 10 is the minimum you can buy in a transaction) Search codes AP63 and AP62 for similar products.

This Crystal / Gemstone / Stone design is carrying the Vibration of each stone pictured for the purpose of helping balance the chakras that are out of balance. The colors of the stones vibrations assist certain parts of the energy field...specifically the Physical body, Emotional body and the Spiritual body. The water is infused / imbued to form an Elixir.


  • COLORS: Blue
  • Crystals / Stones / Gems : Azurite - Turquoise - Variscite - Aquamarine - Lapis Lazuli - Chrysocolla - Amazonite - Blue Hemimorphite
  • Helps : Feel Grounded, Connected to the Earth , Feel Safe - At Home in own Body

Crystals are MAGICAL MYSTICAL Beautiful and their energy aligns with one of our CHAKRAS. The INTENTION was set to be prepared to enjoy the gift of Crystal / Gem / Gemstone energy. A little sweet "blow a kiss" EMOJI was added to share the love.

These little cards can are great for the Crystal Lovers in your life . Included would be Crystal Healers , Energy Workers , Holistic workers , Reiki , Geologists , collectors and collectors that dig their own call ROCK HOUNDS. Lapidary people turn RAW Stones and crystals in to cut and polished stones.

This particular design is Watercolors and is Beautiful , Creative Original , Unique , Popular , Modern, Regardless, the sender and recipient of this little are getting a nice dose of crystal and stone energy. The colors are that which control the variations in the vibrations of colors.

Also, there is additional calming due to the enhancement with energy if perform on all my products..

These little gems are ENERGETICALLY ENHANCED by a distance energy worker...ME. NOTE CARDS - Designed to share Random Acts of Kindness , Happy notes (used them in the 70's) Pass it Forward , and quotes which are empowering.

__>>>> Disclaimer: This activity is NOT to be used as a substitute for professional be it Medical or Psyschological professional.

Hand these good vibe cuties to STRANGERS , your TEACHERS , LUNCH BOX , STUDENTS , WORSHIP GROUP , FRIENDS , FAMILY etc. or ... COLLECT them and use them as ORACLE CARDS. You can surprise anyone with these good energy cards.

Energetically Enhanced by Anna Rosa. The energy is pre-programmed allowing soul to choose the modality. Reiki and / or Aurora Mistica (r) or a blend of the two. **

My advice to you is to get centered and "feel" the choice of design you want. Go with your gut, it is always right.


Like my designs? Find them all by typing in the search box... "anna rosa" or "anna rosa" tote bag or "anna rosa" reiki business cards etc.

You will notice a calming energy when you interact with this beauty.

If you are attracted to this design, your soul/higher self is speaking to you. Follow your inner promptings without worry about why.

Enjoy those peaceful energy-enhanced moments during your busy day when you view or are in the vicinity of this design which is also healing energy enhanced.

~ My name is Anna Rosa and I am an internationally known distance remote energy healer channeling both Reiki healing energy and my own energy healing modality Aurora Mistica (R) since 2001 . All my designs and products are remotely energetically enhanced with sweet calm healing energy. Enjoy the good vibes :) For more great healing energy vibes visit my remote distance healing sites: http://www.reikiwithtrust.com http://auroramisticadistancehealing.com. http://facebook.com/annarosaeverythingenergy Disclaimer: What I do as a distance healer is intended to be a compliment rather than a substitution for medical and psychological services. See a health or psychological professional for your imbalances and complaints.

Flat Note Card  (CYO)

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